HomeTube v 1.0.0 Apk HomeTube v 1.0.0 Apk Free Download Are you looking for an application that will keep your kids occupied for a few minutes so you can wash dishes in peace? HomeTube to the rescue! HomeTube turns your Android device to a safe, child-friendly haven where children have instant access to watch all YouTube content you want from the list of content that it deems appropriate. Child-friendly navigation allows children to switch from watching George strange video for Spider-Man to or cardboard role without the need for you to navigate to their new content yourself. No more having to take hold of your device to change the content that is displayed, such as mood changes your child on a whim! You also can rest easy, knowing that your kids will not watch inappropriate content. HomeTube formation with the content you think is safe , and this is all you will ever see. Best of all, HomeTube can be set as an alternative to the main screen. This means if you have a tablet running Android 4.2 or later, you can make a new user profile for your child, HomeTube set as the default launcher, and HomeTube become only the application can be accessed for your kids! No more worrying about them by mistake download e-mail or your browser . Note: does not belong HomeTube with YouTube or Google in any way. It is simply a friendly interface for the child to play YouTube videos. A- one-time purchase in the application is required to customize the content that is displayed. Or you can use assumptions HomeTube specially developed for free. HomeTube works by searching for YouTube content based on the search terms that you specify. Uses HomeTube search results directly from YouTube, and therefore can not be held responsible for the suitability or not this content. You should always verify that the content is safe to your satisfaction. HomeTube makes every effort to secure the device to the child-friendly manner, but technically it is still possible for the children very well-versed to gain access to the system of the device settings. HomeTube deliberately makes no effort to prevent this because it is a violation of the guidelines Developer Play market. App Required: Android Phones HomeTube v 1.0.0 Apk HomeTube v 1.0.0 Apk HomeTube v 1.0.0 Apk Free Download Are you looking for an application that will keep your kids occupied for a few minutes so you can wash... Read more » 11:07 PM