GnuCash  2.6.15-Win Latest Version Free Download

GnuCash is a powerful application of financial accounting that are designed to help you in all kinds of related financial functions. The application can be used to keep track of all your financial transactions from bank accounts, stocks and other income and expenses.
GnuCash  2.6.15-Win
GnuCash supports databases including the Internet, SQLite3 and MySQL (XML) background. Note, the default storage is the way gzip compressed XML file and use a SQL database instead is optional. Note, the default storage is the way gzip compressed XML file and use a SQL database instead is optional. In addition GnuCash for Mac application package supports SQLite3 just outside the box; users will of the cell or Kew have to build and install a driver DBD.

The main features include:

  • Double entry accounting.
  • Support for online banking.
  • Multi-currency support.
  • Date style checkbook.
  • Reporting tools.
  • Mutual funds and stock portfolios.
  • Income and expense account management.
  • HBCI support.
  • Public accounting books.
  • Vendor and customer tracking.
  • VCs and support QIF.
  • Reconciliations statement.
  • Pay bills and invoices.

GnuCash has been designed to be easy to use, flexible and powerful. It feels quick and intuitive to use, and it has a solid base on professional accounting principles, and therefore it is able to provide a balanced books and accurate reports.
GnuCash  2.6.15-Win
Overall, GnuCash is a good show and contains a variety of accounting features such as multi-currency, double-entry accounting, billing support. On the negative side, integration with tax software comes short, but it can support some online banking.

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